Een Zeeuw noemde z’n snackbar Wendy’s – naar z’n dochter – en weerstaat de...
Raymond Warrens opende in 1988 een snackbar in Goes. Denkend aan zijn dochter noemde hij het etablissement: Wendy’s. Hij blijkt al jaren in een juridische strijd verwikkeld te zijn met de gelijknamige...
View ArticleMercedes’ parent company is building a truck that will rival Tesla — and an...
Just a month after Tesla CEO Elon Musk said the company was pursuing an electric truck in his “Master Plan, Part Deux,” Daimler revealed a stylish one of its own. During a German trade show for...
View ArticleTrump is starting to draw battle lines with Congress on an issue with huge...
By sometime later this summer, Congress will have to raise the nation’s debt ceiling. Both Congress and the Trump administration are starting to firm up their positions. Failing to raise the ceiling...
View ArticleBrent Hoberman has unveiled a new $60 million European startup fund
LONDON – founder Brent Hoberman has raised a $60 million (£47 million) fund to invest in early stage technology companies. The “Firstminute Capital” fund will be used to make seed stage...
View ArticleGelukkig met je relatie? Dan is de kans groot dat je dit gemeen hebt met je...
De zon schijnt, de natuur staat in bloei. Tijd voor nieuwe stappen… Lente en zomer nodigen vaak uit om na te denken over een nieuwe fase in je relatie. Misschien vraag je je wel eens af: wat als we...
View ArticleNee, Boris Johnson staat niet klaar om verzwakte Theresa May van de troon te...
De Britse premier Theresa May probeert, na de desastreus verlopen parlementsverkiezingen van afgelopen donderdag, een pact te smeden tussen haar Conservatieve Partij en de Noord-Ierse protestanten van...
View ArticleBoris Johnson uses WhatsApp to rally MPs behind Theresa May after denying...
LONDON – Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has used a WhatsApp group for Conservative MPs to urge support for under fire Prime Minister Theresa May, just hours after being forced to deny that he is...
View ArticleSteve Ballmer could be the happiest retired guy on earth, and the best part...
For former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, life is good. His Microsoft stock is trading near an all-time high. His basketball team, the Los Angeles Clippers, has been doing well. He’s had time to focus...
View ArticleIf you think AHCA politics are rough for Republicans now, imagine if it passes
As Senate Republicans hash out what their healthcare bill should look like, senators are discussing a long “glide path” for the Medicaid expansion – instead of ending it abruptly in 2020, the federal...
View ArticleTheresa May makes close ally Damian Green Cabinet Office Minister in...
LONDON – Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed Damian Green, a close ally, as the First Secretary of State and Minister for the Cabinet Office in the first major appointment of her post-election...
View Article‘A very weird and peculiar thing’: Preet Bharara describes Trump’s ‘unusual’...
Former high-profile US attorney Preet Bharara on Sunday described several unusual interactions he had with President Donald Trump following the 2016 election. In an interview on ABC News’ “This Week,”...
View ArticleSan Francisco is so expensive that one couple decided to live in their van
Juliana and Richmond are living their most Instagrammable life. In 2015, the couple, who had only been dating for four months at the time, decided to move out of their small, pricey apartments in San...
View ArticleThese are the 25 most valuable footballers in Europe
A prominent research group in Switzerland has put together a list of “estimated transfer values” for the most expensive footballers in Europe – and there is no room for 32-year-old forward Cristiano...
View ArticleKoffie en cacao kampen met prijsimplosie: 2 grafieken spreken boekdelen
Prijzen van koffie en cacao zitten in een neerwaartse spiraal, signaleert sectoreconoom Nadia Menkveld van ABN Amro maandag. Bij cacao is sprake van een aanbodoverschot. Cacao-organisatie ICCO rekent...
View ArticleGebouw Europees Parlement in verval: nieuwe optrekje voor €430 mln…of simpele...
Ambtenaren van het Europees Parlement willen een nieuw gebouw. De kosten daarvan zijn aanzienlijk hoger vergeleken met renovatie van het huidige Paul-Henri Spaak-gebouw. Het hoofdgebouw van het...
View ArticleOne of the most alarming moments of James Comey’s testimony has gone overlooked
Former FBI Director James Comey testified last week that President Donald Trump seemed exclusively concerned with Russia’s election meddling as it related to him personally, rather than its impact on...
View ArticleDit is de beste iPad die Apple ooit heeft gemaakt – voor wie is ie geschikt?
Het bericht Dit is de beste iPad die Apple ooit heeft gemaakt – voor wie is ie geschikt? verscheen eerst op Business Insider.
View ArticleMORGAN STANLEY: The ‘one market’ that can make Tesla the most valuable...
Tesla’s stock price is already high, but not high enough for CEO Elon Musk. Musk thinks Tesla can reach the heights of Apple as the most valuable company in the world, but it won’t get there on the...
View ArticleOne of the world’s largest hedge funds is returning $8 billion to its investors
Viking Global Investors, one of the world’s largest hedge funds, is returning about a quarter of its capital to investors as its chief investment officer steps down, according to a letter the firm...
View ArticleWe tried Tesla’s cool new ‘Summon’ feature — where the car comes and picks...
Het bericht We tried Tesla’s cool new ‘Summon’ feature — where the car comes and picks you up verscheen eerst op Business Insider.
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